Removing files and subdirectories from filesystem with lotusscript
Ferdi Verlaan October 27 2014 12:09:26
We are working on a PHP / Domino hybrid mobile web application. We will post some more information about it in the near future. We need PHP since we are sending out POST commands via the HTML5 file API. A Notes Agent is not capable of understanding these requests (via the normal session.request_content for example), and therefor we need PHP. It would also be possible by xPages and JAVA I assume, but PHP easier for us.The PHP script is called asynchronous and uploads resized images to c:\php\files\<UniqueID>. A webQuerySave agent processes the newly saved NotesDocument and fetches all documents from this subfolder and attachs them to the RichTextItem.
The cleanup of these files is done by a cleanup Agent, not in the WQS agent, to have some fallback in case of errors. We run this agent every weekend to remove all uploaded files.
Cleanup Agent code:
Option Public
Option Declare
Dim globalPath As string
Sub Initialize
globalPath = "C:\php\files\"
Call ScanDirs( globalPath )
End Sub
' ==========================================================
' @FUNCTION: ScanDirs
' @DATE: 27-10-2014
' Loops through the given path and removes all files
' and subfolders.
' based upon:
' ==========================================================
Sub ScanDirs(path As String)
On Error GoTo catch
On Error 5 Resume next
Dim sess As New NotesSession
Dim DirList As Variant
Dim filename As String
Dim filepath As String
Dim sep As String
If path <> "" Then
If InStr(sess.Platform, "Windows") > 0 Then
sep = "\"
sep = "/"
End If
ReDim DirList(0)
If InStr(path, sep) > 0 Then
filepath = StrLeftBack(path, sep)
End If
filename = Dir(path & "*", 16)
While filename <> ""
If filename <> "." And filename <> ".." Then
If (GetFileAttr(filepath & sep & filename)= 16) Then
DirList = ArrayAppend(DirList,filepath & sep & filename & sep)
' remove file
Kill filepath & sep & filename
End If
End If
filename = Dir
' if filename is empty and filepath is not the starting folder, delete subfolder
If filename = "" Then
If filepath <> StrLeftBack(globalPath, sep) Then
RmDir filepath
End If
End If
DirList = FullTrim(DirList)
ForAll dirpath In DirList
End ForAll
End If
Exit sub
Print "Error " & Err & " in " & GetThreadInfo(1) & " on line " & Erl & " - " & Error
Exit sub
End Sub
Make sure that the security setting for the agent is set to 3 to allow restricted operations.
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