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Refreshing an embedded view

Ferdi Verlaan  February 22 2010 09:42:51
If you want an embedded view to refresh then please add the following code to a button, action or other component that triggers the refresh:

Call ws.ViewRefresh
Call uidoc.RefreshHideFormulas
Call ws.ViewRefresh        

On the embedded view itself, make sure there is a hide-when formula. If there isn't any, give the embedded view the formula: 1=0.

Image:Refreshing an embedded view

Because this is never true, the embedded view will never be hidden, but it will be refreshed due to the "RefreshHideFormulas" command on the ui document.


1Ferdi Verlaan  02/22/2010 14:08:24  Refreshing an embedded view

Article written by my collegue Cor Eigenhuis.

2Brown Shui  07/27/2010 9:00:12  Refreshing an embedded view


It's working for me in R8.5 environment.

3Delpierre Guillaume  10/11/2011 9:24:24  Refreshing an embedded view

Exactly what i was searching for, and it's working, thanks a lot !

4Rickard Varnfors  09/18/2012 14:56:02  Refreshing an embedded view

It works! And that's fine with me... :)


5Ked  12/06/2012 13:49:31  Refreshing an embedded view

VERY very useful, thanks :)

6Vesa  01/24/2013 7:55:35  Refreshing an embedded view

Awesome!! This saved my day :)

7Tina  10/17/2013 0:33:10  Refreshing an embedded view

Don't know why but didn't work for me.. :(

8Ferdi Verlaan  10/17/2013 8:23:26  Refreshing an embedded view

Sorry to hear that Tina. Perhaps if you tried activating / deactivating the setting 'Automatically refresh fields' on the form, does that make a difference?

9Alex  04/21/2015 14:29:29  Refreshing an embedded view

Your method does not help me, I found the better one for me, found at "IBM Notes/Domino 6 and 7 Forum"

'Global Declaration

Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32.dll" (Byval bVk As Integer, Byval bScan As Integer, Byval dwFlags As Integer,Byval dwExtraInfo As Integer)

Sub F9

Const VK_F9 = &H78



'Press and release F9

keybd_event VK_F9, 0 , KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN , 0

keybd_event VK_F9, 0 , KEYEVENTF_KEYUP , 0

End Sub